Eclipse in France
On 11 August 1999 the last total solar eclipse of the
millennium dropped a midday shadow over the most populous swath
of Europe. This would be our second eclipse together, and
it was too easy not to go.
So we picked a spot in Northern France, swallowed
our Lonely Planet pride, flew into Amsterdam
and drove via Paris--two
cities one needs a good reason to visit in August. At this time
of year they are sick with tourists, mosty European, as everyone
in that continent takes their holidays at the same moment.
Because of the eclipse they all have the same idea where to go
and when.
Our first days we share with them a discombobulated misery. No choice but to stand in line to see the Hard Rock Cafe; the Louvre or the Anne Frank House have four-hour lines as well, but no hamburgers in the bargain. Worse: the success of the trip rests on poor weather odds: the likelihood of clear skies over Northern Europe at 12:25 on August 11 was 50-50 at best.