front street gallery presents the music of Neil Young
Family Music Night
Friday February 22, 6-9pm
art--music--pot luck--organized jam--acoustic--kid friendly
21 front street patterson ny 12563

Following the success of the Bob Dylan Family Music Night a year ago, we are back with Neil. 
A group of musician friends of Front Street, we are looking for others to join us, and fans of
Neil to listen, sing along and offer song suggestions.   Bring potluck or drink or an instrument and/or a small donation.
Musicians and singers of any level are encouraged to join in.  Possible songlist:

Heart of Gold  
The Losing End 
Tell Me Why   
Don't Let It Bring You Down  
On the Way Home  
After the Gold Rush  
Only Love Can Break Your Heart  
Comes a Time
Country Girl  
Everybody Knows This is Nowhere
Southern Man

Musicians/fans should suggest other songs that they might like to lead. 

This will be an semi-organized jam,  acoustic.  Always kid friendly.
give me an